Because You Matter image

Because You Matter

Help Accompany People Through Life's Challenges

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Gemma Services is guided by the vision of a world where every person knows they matter. Formed in 2019 by the merger of two long-standing, Philadelphia-area nonprofits (Silver Springs – Martin Luther School and theVillage), today, Gemma's mission is to accompany people of all ages through life's challenges using individualized, data-informed support. Approximately 3,000 youth and families participate in Gemma's programs each year, which include behavioral health, child welfare, and prevention services, and a K-12th grade special education school.

Thank you for joining Gemma in our mission. Your support matters! To learn more about our programs, visit us at or (610) 825-4440 x3206 with any questions. Thank you!

*Our EIN/Tax ID is 23-2310084. As of January 1, 2024, the organization's legal name is Gemma Services. Prior to that date, the legal name was Silver Springs - Martin Luther School, which still may show up as such in some places. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.